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4 Common Electrical Furnace Problems and How to Fix Them

4 Common Electrical Furnace Problems and How to Fix Them

Most households rely on electrical furnaces to heat their indoor spaces during the cold winter months. And just like any other furnace types, problems may arise with your electrical heater, affecting the overall functioning of your heating system. Taking the time to learn basic furnace adjustments will help you prevent a minor furnace issue from turning into a full-blown emergency.

Learn how to take better care of your electrical furnace. Here are 4 common furnace problems you should know about:

Your Furnace Is Refusing to Turn On.

A furnace that is refusing to turn on is a common problem that homeowners encounter during winter. If this happens to you, there are two things you can do before you call for help from a licensed technician. First, check the power to your system. Locate the fuse box and make sure to turn on the breaker to your furnace if it has been turned off. If that fails to work, examine your thermostat. Your thermostat controls your home’s temperature, so any small issue with the device can cause your heating system to malfunction.

Your Furnace Is Blowing Cold Air.

Your electric furnace is supposed to heat your home. If it does otherwise, you can probably put the blame on a dirty filter. An air filter that is clogged with dirt and dust can block airflow in the heat exchanger. When this happens, your whole furnace may overheat and break, which causes the cold air to come out. Get your furnace running again by cleaning your air filters. To increase the efficiency of your furnace, change the filters once every two to three months or as often as needed.

Your Furnace Is Making Strange Noises.

Never ignore the strange noises your furnace makes when you operate it. There are a variety of issues that cause your heater to create loud, disturbing noises. A squealing noise may indicate a loose blower belt that needs to be adjusted. Tightening the blower belt is easy with the right tools and step-by-step guide. Make it a point to turn off the power supply before you start the work.

Your Thermostat Is Not Working.

Most homeowners jump to the conclusion that their furnace has broken down, when in fact, it is simply a problem with the thermostat. In the case of a thermostat that refuses to turn on, check the power source to see if there is a blown fuse or dead batteries. A dirty thermostat can also cause issues, so make sure to clean the device regularly. If you keep experiencing problems with your thermostat at home, it might be time to replace it with a newer model.

Keeping your home warm will help you and your family stay well this cold season. That is why it’s important to have a well-functioning heating system. Avoid dangerous heating outages in winter by investing in a new furnace installation. To help you find quality heating equipment in the market, make sure to partner with a licensed and skilled heating contractor. Waste no time and make the call to your trusted local HVAC company!

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